Drywood Termites In Palm Harbor, Florida
Termites are amazing little creatures…unless they are eating your home. I’m sure by now you have heard the saying “There are two types of homes in Florida…those that have termites and those that will get termites!” Well, there is a lot of truth to that but a while back I ran into something rather peculiar.
It’s one thing to have termites and not know it but in this case, the people not only had termites, they were proud of it! Okay, I thought it was pretty cool too but this is the epitome of having a trojan horse in your home…or rather a termite trojan horse.
Though the video quality is not great, you can see the little tiny drywood termites running around under the glass of the picture. Having the termites living in the picture is not necessarily the problem. The problem happens with the termites swarm…which they all do at some point…and then hundreds of drywood termites set out to find a new home, most likely in your home. Now,the one colony of drywood termites has turned into many new colonies.
Termites Living Under Glass In Palm Harbor
What To Do Now?
In this case, the answer is simple…throw out the picture ASAP or at least inject some termiticide. But what about when the termites have already moved in?
Call Creepy Creatures, Inc. for a FREE 58 Point Pest Analysis! Most companies do a quick walk around the property. Not us! We dig in to see what all the issues are, not just the obvious ones.
Are you seeing a pile of something that looks similar to coffee grounds? If so, you probably have drywood termites. No one likes to have termites but the good news is they typically are not as destructive as their counterparts, subterranean termites, AND in many cases, drywood termites can be spot treated with a our famous unconditional guarantee!
More Good News!
The great thing about “Spot treatments” is, unlike the traditional “Tenting”, you do not need to leave your home for days, there is no prep work to me done, your pets, fish, birds and kids will all be fine and not even know anything was ever done-GUARANTEED!
Call Creepy Creatures, Inc. for a FREE 58 Point Pest Analysis! Most companies do a quick walk around the property. Not us! We dig in to see what all the issues are, not just the obvious ones.